all postcodes in WN1 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN1 3BU 1 0 0 0
WN1 3AJ 11 0 53.540578 -2.622302
WN1 3AP 4 2 53.54191 -2.623619
WN1 3AQ 3 3 53.540841 -2.624012
WN1 3AT 25 3 53.543161 -2.622205
WN1 3AU 4 0 53.542807 -2.622773
WN1 3AX 20 2 53.542647 -2.62194
WN1 3AZ 11 0 53.542965 -2.621825
WN1 3BA 24 0 53.54225 -2.621045
WN1 3BD 17 1 53.542707 -2.621293
WN1 3BE 8 4 53.542833 -2.620765
WN1 3BH 44 2 53.543688 -2.619375
WN1 3BJ 10 0 53.543287 -2.620305
WN1 3BL 7 0 53.543318 -2.619566
WN1 3BN 17 3 53.543758 -2.617913
WN1 3BP 1 0 53.543851 -2.61731
WN1 3BS 23 1 53.544252 -2.61635
WN1 3BT 1 1 53.544842 -2.614652
WN1 3BW 9 1 53.543437 -2.619145
WN1 3DA 47 0 53.543184 -2.615383